Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Divorcing Women: Will The New Tax Laws Impact Your Divorce Settlement?

Jeff Landers, a contributor for Forbes writes: Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) on January 1, 2013 to stave off federal tax increases on the middle-class and across-the-board spending cuts that were set to occur automatically if no action were taken, and prevent our economy from plummeting over that “fiscal cliff” we’d been hearing about for weeks.  Unfortunately though, if you’re in the middle of negotiating a divorce settlement agreement, some of the provisions of the new tax law could send you over a fiscal cliff of a different kind – not nationally important, of course, but critical to your own financial future nonetheless. Taking the time to learn how new tax laws might impact your settlement agreement, and negotiating accordingly, could save you tremendously in the long run.  Two major areas require special attention: changes to income and division of assets.
Income from alimony could bump you into a higher tax bracket.
A major provision of ATRA was to raise tax rates on high incomes. Specifically, if you’re a single filer with an annual income greater than $400,000, you will now pay the new 39.6% tax rate (increased from 35%) on income in excess of that $400,000 threshold.
Divorce will mean significant change to your income structure, possibly including alimony. Alimony (also known as spousal support or maintenance) refers to payments made by the “moneyed” spouse to the “non-moneyed” spouse after a divorce is finalized. It is paid in established intervals (typically monthly), for a time period specified in the divorce agreement.
If your proposed divorce settlement agreement includes alimony payments, in most cases, you will have to declare those payments as taxable income. (Although not commonly done, alimony can be structured as non-taxable income to the recipient and a non-deductible expense to the payor). Be sure you know how your tax situation will play out as a result. You want to make sure the settlement you’re agreeing to is the one that makes the most financial sense for the long term. After all, there may be better ways to assure your post-divorce financial stability.
For example, I often encourage clients to consider an upfront lump sum payment – a one-time payment of a fixed amount – in lieu of alimony. These lump sum payments are neither taxable to the recipient nor deductible to the payor, but the paying spouse will typically try to negotiate a lump sum amount that takes into account the loss of deductibility.
There are several reasons a lump-sum payment can be preferable to traditional alimony payments; however, a lump sum payment is not right for everyone. It requires very careful, deliberate financial management if it is to sustain your lifestyle in the long term.
If income from alimony is a tax concern, you may also want to revisit the balance between child support and alimony payments in your settlement. Child support is neither a deductible expense for your husband, nor taxable income for you. Alimony is usually both. (Payors need to be mindful of complicated IRS rules concerning frontloading and recapture of alimony as it relates to alimony vs child support. See this article for more information.)
Remember, too, that alimony can be modified, up or down. The fundamental purpose of alimony is to allow the “non-moneyed” spouse to maintain a standard of living somewhat comparable to what she enjoyed during the marriage.  Yes, even today, the “non-moneyed” spouse is typically the woman, and yes, I think alimony, in many cases, remains just as relevant today as it ever was. Why?
Because the non-moneyed spouse often gave up her potential career and earning power and invested her time and labor into the family.
She also directly or indirectly aided her husband’s career by taking care of the home front which allowed him to invest in his career and increase his earning power. Many women have given up educational and employment opportunities and many women have also helped their husbands (financially or otherwise) go through law or med school or to get other professional training.
Then, after several decades he is at the peak of his earning potential (thanks in part to her), and yet she is relatively unemployable, especially if she is in her 50s and has been out of the work force for all those years.
And even though they may be dividing assets 50-50, he, because of his earning power will replace some or all of those assets over time while she, because of her lack of earning power, will be liquidating assets from day one and will ultimately go broke if she lives long enough.
Therefore, in my opinion, the purpose of alimony is to somewhat equalize this disparity.  (And of course, the same could apply to a man, if he were the non-moneyed spouse.)
There are new tax implications for division of investments and other assets.
I’ve written before about how division of assets can be an exceedingly complex part of the divorce process. Tax considerations account for a lot of that complexity, and the new law adds even more factors to evaluate.
For example, ATRA now sets a 3.8% Medicare surtax on capital gains, dividends and other investment income above $200,000 for a single filer. You’ll want to keep the new tax in mind as you are negotiating the division of stock portfolios and other income-producing investments.
Additionally, for filers who fall in that new 39.6% income tax bracket, the federal capital gains tax rate has been increased from 15% to 20% (plus the aforementioned additional 3.8%, which brings the total to almost 24%, not including your state’s capital gains taxes). This can put a significant dent in the amount you hope to realize from selling assets. The capital gains tax hit should be calculated and weighed carefully before agreeing on how your assets should be divided.
Depending on how much the tax burden would lessen the value of a particular asset to you, it may be more sensible to negotiate for something else, instead. For instance, you may want to consider cash or retirement funds (which have no capital gains tax exposure and, except for Roth accounts, will be taxed only when you withdraw the money) instead of stock or real estate. However, note that capital gains tax can take just as big a bite of proceeds from sale of real estate (once you’ve taken into account the $250,000 exclusion on your primary residence) as of stocks. Make sure you have properties expertly appraised.
A qualified divorce financial advisor can help you navigate the potential pitfalls presented by ATRA and other tax laws, with all their subtleties. You’ll need thorough, expert analysis of all your options before you agree to any settlement –and since this is not your attorney’s primary field of expertise, be sure to have a divorce financial professional on your team to assure you the best possible financial outcome of your divorce.


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