Thursday, March 28, 2013

Taxes: How to Deduct Business Meals and Entertainment

Amber White for Henry & Horne writes: Meal and entertainment expenses incurred for business purposes are very common, and necessary.   Unfortunately, many businesses do not include the proper documentation for these expenses, and leave themselves open to IRS disallowance upon audit.  These expenses require you to jump through several extra hoops to qualify as deductible and are subject to limitations. Nevertheless, if you pay careful attention to the rules outlined below, the expenses should qualify as deductible.

(1) Ordinary and necessary business expenses. All business expenses must meet the general deductibility requirement of being “ordinary and necessary” in carrying on the business. These terms have been fairly broadly defined to mean customary or usual, and appropriate or helpful. Thus, if it is reasonable in your business to entertain clients or other business people you should be able to pass this general test.
(2) “Directly related” or “associated with.” A second level of tests especially applicable to meals and entertainment expenses must also be satisfied. Under them, the business meal or entertainment must be either “directly related to” or “associated with” the business.
“Directly related” means involving an “active” discussion aimed at getting “immediate” revenue. Thus, a specific, concrete business benefit is expected to be derived, not just general goodwill from making a client view you favorably. And the principal purpose for the event must be business. Also, you must have engaged actively during the event, via a meeting, discussion, etc.
If the “directly related” test cannot be met, the expense may qualify as “associated with” the active conduct of business if the meal or entertainment event proceeds or follows (i.e., takes place on the same day as) a substantial and bona fide business discussion.
This test is easier to satisfy. “Goodwill” type of entertainment at shows, sporting events, night clubs, etc. can qualify. The event will be considered associated with the active conduct of the business if its purpose is to get new business or encourage the continuation of a business relationship. For meals, you (or an employee of yours) must be present. That is, for example, if you simply cover the cost of a client’s meal after a business meeting but don’t join him at it, the expense does not qualify.
(3) Deduction limitations. Several additional limitations apply. First expenses that are “lavish or extravagant” are not deductible. This is generally a “reasonableness” test and does not impose any fixed limits on the cost of meals or entertainment events. Expenses incurred at first class restaurants or clubs can qualify as deductible.
More importantly, however, once the expenditure qualifies, it is only 50% deductible. Obviously, this rule severely reduces the tax benefit of business meals and entertainment. If you spend about $50 a week on qualifying business meals, or $2,500 for the year, your deduction will only be $1,250, for tax savings of around $300 to $400.


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