Charles Rettig for Forbes writes: Employers often outsource their payroll and related tax duties to third-party payers such as payroll service providers (PSP) and reporting agents (RA). Third-party payers can help employers assure filing deadlines and deposit requirements are satisfied while also streamlining their business operations by collecting and timely depositing payroll taxes on the employer’s behalf and filing required payroll tax returns with state and federal authorities.
Depending on the facts and circumstances, and the type of third-party arrangement, an employer who uses a third party to perform Federal employment tax functions on its behalf may remain solely liable for Federal employment taxes, or may become jointly and severally liable for such taxes.
Employers may designate or enter into an agreement with a third party in which the third party agrees to take over some or all of the employer’s Federal employment tax withholding, reporting and payment responsibilities and obligations. Common third party arrangements include:
• Payroll Service Provider (PSP)
• Reporting Agent (RAF)
• Section 3504 Agent
A PSP or RA provides payroll services for one or more employers, using each client’s (employer’s) employer identification number (EIN) to file separate returns (generally e-file only) on the client’s behalf and is generally authorized by submission of IRS Form 8655 (Reporting Agent Authorization). A reporting agent may also deposit and pay taxes on the client’s behalf. Form 8655 authorizes the reporting agent to (1). File and sign certain tax returns, electronically where required by Revenue Procedure 2012-32; (2). Make federal tax deposits (FTDs) and other federal tax payments (FTPs), including using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System ( EFTPS); (3). Submit FTD and FTP information, including to EFTPS; and (4). Receive duplicate copies of official notices, correspondence, deposit requirements, transcripts or certain other information. A reporting agent can withdraw their authorities by filing a statement with the IRS or by using the delete process. The receipt of a new Form 8655 revokes a prior reporting agent authorization beginning with the period indicated on the new Form 8655.
In contrast, a Section 3504 Agent can be authorized by submission of IRS Form 2678 (Employer/Payer Appointment of Agent) to act as the employer, assuming liability along with the employer for the employer’s Social Security, Medicare and federal income tax withholding responsibilities. An agent appointed under Form 2678 files aggregate returns (e-file or paper) using the agent’s EIN.
An overview of differences between the duties and obligations of agents, reporting agents and payroll service providers is available at the Third Party Arrangement Chart ( The IRS maintains a Reporting Agent File (RAF) database that contains reporting agent and taxpayer/client records in their Ogden Campus.
The vast majority of payroll services provide an almost invaluable service to employers. However, there are instances where a payroll service has received the contributions from the employer but, for various reasons, failed to pay such contributions over to the government leaving the employer liable to satisfy such amounts, again. Also, if the employer-entity is unable to satisfy such liabilities again, the individuals within the entity having responsibility for making sure withheld amounts are actually paid over to the government might become personally liable for such withheld amounts pursuant to Internal Revenue Code section 6672. Examples of successful criminal prosecutions during 2013 of unscrupulous payroll service providers are set forth at
Employers who outsource their payroll function, like employers who handle their own payroll duties, remain legally responsible for any and all payroll taxes determined to be due. This includes any federal income taxes withheld as well as both the employer and employee’s share of social security and Medicare taxes, even if the employer forwards tax amounts to a Payroll Service Provider (PSP) or Reporting Agent (RA) to make the required deposits or payments.
The IRS just released a new Fact Sheet (FS-2013-9, July 2013) setting forth the following steps employers can follow to protect themselves from unscrupulous third-party payers:
• Enroll in the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System and make sure the PSP or RA uses EFTPS to make tax deposits. Available free from the Treasury Department, EFTPS gives employers safe and easy online access to their payment history when deposits are made under their Employer Identification Number, enabling them to monitor whether their third-party payer is properly carrying out their tax deposit responsibilities. It also gives them the option of making any missed deposits themselves, as well as paying other individual and business taxes electronically, either online or by phone. To enroll or for more information, call toll-free 800-555-4477 or visit
• Refrain from substituting the third-party’s address for the employer’s address. Though employers are allowed to and have the option of making or agreeing to such a change, the IRS recommends that employer’s continue to use their own address as the address on record with the tax agency. Doing so ensures that the employer will continue to receive bills, notices and other account-related correspondence from the IRS. It also gives employers a way to monitor the third-party payer and easily spot any improper diversion of funds.
• Contact the IRS about any bills or notices and do so as soon as possible. This is especially important if it involves a payment that the employer believes was made or should have been made by a third-party payer. Call the number on the bill, write to the IRS office that sent the bill, contact the IRS business tax hotline at 800-829-4933 or visit a local IRS office. See Receiving a Bill from the IRS for more information.
• Employers using a reporting agent should be aware of the special rules that apply to RAs. Among other things, reporting agents are generally required to use EFTPS and file payroll tax returns electronically. They are also required to provide employers with a written statement detailing the employer’s responsibilities including a reminder that the employer, not the reporting agent, is still legally required to timely file returns and pay any tax due. This statement must be provided upon entering into a contract with the employer and at least quarterly after that.
• Become familiar with the tax due dates that apply to employers. See Employment Tax Reporting and Deposit Due Dates ( ), and use the Small Business Tax Calendar ( to keep track of these key dates.
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