Posted on 5:34 AM by Unknown
Kathleen Davis for Entrepreneur writes: Getting audited might be one of Americans' biggest fears, but what
are the odds your turn will come up next? According to data compiled by
the accounting resources directory, Best Online Accounting,
there were about 1.5 million audits conducted on taxes filed in 2011.
That may sound like a lot, but consider that of the total 141 million
returns filed that year, only 1 percent of people were actually audited.
High earners may have more to worry about, according to the data: 8.4
percent of individuals who made over $1 million a year were audited. On
the bright side, the risk of being audited is lower for small-business
owners. S corps and partnerships were audited only 0.4 percent of the
For more on signs that you might be audited, check out the infographic below.
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