Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Top 12 QuickBooks Reporting Areas / QuickBooks Small Business Reports

Glenn Tyndall writes: You will learn about the top 12 QuickBooks reporting areas that has have detailed reports available to help you get the information you and your employee’s need to ensure your small business runs as smoothly as possible. There are quite a few QuickBooks reporting areas, and literally hundreds of QuickBooks reports, so if you have ever been looking for a report, you may just find what you were looking for below:

1.      QuickBooks Company & Financial Reports gives you information about your company's financial position. You can use the QuickBooks Company & Financial Reports to view the balance sheet and income statement of your small business. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Company & Financial Reports here.

2.      QuickBooks Customers & Receivables gives you information about your customers and the amounts they owe your company. You can use the QuickBooks Customers & Receivables Reports to view customer balances, open invoice details, and average days that it takes your customers to pay. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Customers & Receivables Reports here.

3.      QuickBooks Sales Reports gives you information about your copmany’s billings and sales to customers. QuickBooks Sales Reports can be used to analyze sales information, monitor your sales staff’s performance, and learn more about what your customers are purchasing from you. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Sales Reports here.

4.      QuickBooks Jobs, Time & Mileage Reports gives you information about your job estimates, unbilled costs, and mileage for your company vehicle. You can use the QuickBooks Jobs, Time & Mileage Reports to manage the profitability of each of your jobs to make sure there are done timely and within budget. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Jobs, Time, and Mileage Reports here.

5.      QuickBooks Vendors & Payables Reports gives you information about how much your small business owes its vendors for the goods and services you have ordered. You can use QuickBooks Vendors & Payables Reports to manage your payables, cash flow, and ensure your vendors are paid timely. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks QuickBooks Vendors & Payables Reports here.

6.      QuickBooks Purchase Reports gives you information about your company's purchases and open purchase orders. You can use QuickBooks Purchase Reports to make sure that all goods ordered are received and manage inventory levels of your small business to ensure that you have all the goods and materials you need so that your customers are satisfied. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Purchase Reports here.

7.      QuickBooks Inventory Reports gives you information about your company’s manufacturing process and inventory on hand. You can uses QuickBooks Inventory Reports to manage work-in-progress for any goods you manufacture, monitor inventory levels at different facilities, and even print forms to help you conduct periodic physical inventory counts. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Inventory Reports here.

8.      QuickBooks Employee & Payroll Reports give you information about your employees and your company’s payroll expenses. You can use QuickBooks Employee & Payroll Reports to view a list of your current and former employees, view earnings by employee, among other human resource and payroll-related tasks. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Employee & Payroll Reports here.

9.      QuickBooks Banking Reports gives you information about your company’s banking transactions. You can use QuickBooks Banking Reports to help with your bank reconciliations as well as view a list of all checks written from a particular bank account. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Banking Reports here.

10.  QuickBooks Accountant & Tax Reports gives you important accounting and tax reports that will help you prepare your company’s income tax return. You can use the QuickBooks Accountant & Tax Reports to print your trial balance and financial statements. You can also run sales tax reports from the QuickBooks Accountant & Tax Reports section. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Accountant & Tax Reports here.

11.  QuickBooks Budgets & Forecasts Reports gives you information you need to compare your small business’s actual financial performance to the performance you expected. You can use QuickBooks Budgets & Forecasts Reports to enter your annual budget, run budget-to-actual analysis, and even forecast your company’s results for future periods. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks Budgets and Forecasts Reports here.

12.  QuickBooks List Reports gives you informational lists that will make certain tasks easier. You can use QuickBooks List Reports are to print an employee contact list if you need to distribute employee extensions throughout your company or a customer phone list so you can call customers with outstanding balances. You can find a detailed list of QuickBooks List Reports here.


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