Wednesday, January 8, 2014 and Offer Automated 1099-MISC e-Filing Service

Neelam Saboo, Product Manager, writes: As the deadlines for this year’s tax season approach fast, has partnered with TechAtlantis to eliminate the pain points of e-filing 1099-MISC forms., an application created by TechAtlantis, provides an automated, paperless, and painless way to e-file 1099s.
The integrated solution imports relevant 1099 data from your account. Tax1099 creates an initial file of vendor and payment data for you to review and edit before it creates the 1099-MISC forms for each recipient. Once the forms are created, you review and approve them to be sent to recipients and e-filed with the IRS and state tax agencies. After the IRS receives the 1099s, you will receive a confirmation email verifying that the process is complete.
In addition to Tax1099’s automated e-filing capabilities, the company also offers tax identification number (TIN) matching to reduce the incidence of receiving B Notices from the IRS. But if you do receive B Notices, the solution also provides services to resolve them. Example
Unlike other competitive products, the integration eliminates the need for any manual data entry. Data flows from your account to the Tax1099 application.
The solution:
  • Eliminates manual data entry and reduces potential errors
  • Eliminates clerical work of printing and mailing 1099 forms
  • Enables you to be completely paperless
For more details on the integrated product, read the Solution OverviewClick here to get started with getting your 1099 data ready for filing.
To see a walk-through of the and integration, watch the video below:

1 comment:

  1. In this blog information is very useful to me. Thanks for sharing get services of E-file 1099 Misc
