Friday, February 28, 2014

QStock: a QuickBooks Inventory Add-in Instead of an Add-on

Realizing Profitable Potential Through Change writes: QuickBooks can do just about everything numbers based when it comes to your business needs.  Sometimes, you might need an extra boost in an area that you really need to drill down in, for example inventory. The QuickBooks inventory management system begins and ends with an item and a quantity, as well as the associated ‘cost’ and ‘sale price’ of that item and that’s about it when it comes to it’s total inventory capabilities. Add-on’s can add functionality that will make QuickBooks more robust.
What if you need to track inventory with lot or serial numbers, or expiration dates? Even QuickBooks Enterprise Advanced Inventory doesn’t offer this functionality, as it has no inventory expiration date tracking.  In these situations you might consider an inventory add-on. But what about an inventory add-in? QStock may be just what you need, if you want to be in total control of your inventory software and if your needs are more extensive than what QuickBooks can offer on it’s own.
QStock is a software that is completely integrated with QuickBooks, making it more of an add-in than an add-on. It can track inventory across multiple warehouses and locations, track serial and lot numbers, expiration dates, and other factors. QStock takes your QuickBooks item and quantity information and then adds associated data like locations, warehouses, barcodes, row/shelf/bin assignments, serial or lot numbers, expiration dates, and the list goes on. When QStock is integrated with QuickBooks, complex inventory management is suddenly made easy and extremely accurate.
Many of the add-on systems only update QuickBooks once a day or so, and some of them only adjust the total for the inventory asset account and don’t affect the item list. This causes you extra work by having to update your item list manually based on the info your add-on has fed your QuickBooks file. Since QStock is fully integrated and works hand-in-hand with your QuickBooks, there is no lull between data updates. QStock updates QuickBooks almost instantly! Another one of my favorite benefits of QStock is not having to learn a new software or way of doing things! It is designed to work exactly like QuickBooks! Its appearance and layout are easy to learn because they mirror the same basic layout QuickBooks has. Could it get any better?


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