You will not be allowed a deduction unless you maintain a record of the contribution. The record must be in the form of -
If you give to the United Way or other charity via payroll deduction the IRS has said, "a pay stub, Form W-2, or other employer furnished document that sets forth the amount withheld for a payment to a donee organization, along with a pledge card prepared by or at the direction of the donee organization, will be deemed to be a 'written communication from the donee organization' that satisfies the requirements."
You can no longer tell the IRS that you put a five or ten dollar bill in the collection plate each week. You must actually write a check to the church for the $5.00 or $10.00 each week, or take advantage of the church's "envelope" system, which will provide you with a written receipt at the end of the year.
The law does not say that all contributions of more than $50.00 or more than $100.00 must be documented. It says that all cash contributions must be documented. So if you give the DAV a dollar for a poppy, and you want to deduct it, you must get a receipt!
You can follow the author Robert D Flach on Twitter here, you can visit his website here.
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