Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Think You’re Too Busy to Replace Quickbooks?

Socius, an Ohio ERP Solutions Partner writes for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Does this sound familiar? You started using Quickbooks as a young company. Over time, your business has grown and as you’ve grown, you’ve gotten busier. It seems natural that growing your business would keep you very busy. However, lately it seems like you are working too fast for Quickbooks – it’s struggling to keep up with processing the amount of data you have created. Not only is Quickbooks taking up your valuable time with slow processing, it is making you more busy by making you enter the same data in multiple places without delivering the type of reporting and analytics that you need to keep up with the business decisions that you need to make.
Microsoft recently released a 10 part series of articles titled “10 Signs You’ve Outgrown Quickbooks,” in which they highlighted indicators like using time-consuming workarounds because the system can’t handle the complexity of the business, putting off new business opportunities because the system won’t support the changes, and the continual loss of productivity of the users.

While it may take no time at all to figure out that you’ve outgrown Quickbooks, finding the time to not only identify a new solution but also to implement it and learn it can be a bigger issue when you are busy. It becomes a matter of what your time and the time of your people costs you and whether you are going to get a better return on your investment if you spend your time being busy or in updating your systems to an ERP solution that will support your company’s growth long-term.

For example, BioStorage Technologies was a busy, growing company that was relying on an entry-level accounting system and lots of spreadsheets. They described their billing process as “inefficient and impossible to maintain at [their] rate of growth.”

If BioStorage Technologies had remained on their accounting system instead of moving to Microsoft Dynamics GP, they would have been spending up to 800 employee hours per month on invoicing instead of the 20 hours it takes them now. Those 780 hours represent an enormous cost savings for them – and that’s just one of many areas of their business that were enhanced by Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Businesses, like BioStorage Technologies, who make time in the midst of their busy-ness to update their systems to ERP solutions that better support their needs and grow with them, not only see long-term benefits across their organizations, but they also find that their people are much less busy and much more efficient.

To help you take the best next steps, download a complimentary Guide for Businesses Outgrowing Quickbooks here.



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