Monday, May 5, 2014

5 Little-Known Roth IRA Tax Considerations / Here’s how to decide whether to save in a traditional or Roth IRA.

Robert Berger for US News World Report writes: Is it better to save for retirement in a Roth IRA or a traditional IRA? Spend a little time researching this question, and you’ll learn an interesting mathematical truth: If your tax rate is the same when you make contributions as it will be in retirement, there’s no difference between a Roth and traditional IRA (or 401(k) for that matter).
This mathematical truth leads to a quandary: How can we possibly know today what the tax rates will be decades from now? We can’t. Not only is the tax code likely to change, but our income levels are likely to change, too.
But let’s not abandon all hope of figuring out the best way to save for retirement. Here are five things we can know or control, at least to a point, which can help us make this important retirement decision: [snip], the article continues at US News World Report, click here to continue reading....


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