Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Holistic Accounting - A New Approach

Dave McClure for CPA Practice Advisor writes: In quiet conversations, the concept of holistic accounting is being examined and considered as the next major trend in client services.  In a nutshell, holistic accountant addresses the client as a complete entity and seeks to help in meeting all of their business needs.
This is hardly surprising.  A holistic approach has taken hold in the medical sciences, where we seek to treat the whole patient rather than just the current complaint.  In marketing, professionals refer to taking a holistic approach to a brand, encompassing all of the elements of the brand that make it more marketable.  The word “holistic” is currently the top term sought in the major search engines.
So within a few weeks we can expect to see a crush of new articles, conference tracks and white papers designed to help firms embrace the concept of “holistic accounting.”  While the concept and its implementation are steps forward in client service, however, the concept does come with some risks. [snip]   The article continues at CPA Practice Advisor, click here to continue reading. 


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