Saturday, May 10, 2014

Klipfolio : real-time cloud-hosted dashboard now using QuickBooks as a Data Source

Klipfolio Klipfolio Dashboard is an online dashboard platform for building real-time business dashboards. It allows business users to connect to many data services, automate data retrieval, and then manipulate and visualize the data. Klipfolio uses a schema-less architecture that allows non-technical end users to more easily connect to data sources, and separates data from presentation to more efficiently use and reuse datasources throughout the platform.
Klipfolio Dashboard has built-in formula editing, allowing end-users to transform, combine, slice, and filter any data before visualizing it. Users are able to access the dashboard from their desktop, tablet, TV, and mobile phone, and share it with colleagues by granting access to the dashboard, or by scheduling email reports.


NEW: Using QuickBooks as a data source


QuickBooksQuickBooks Support
Data ConnectorUse Email Attachments as a data source
File format supported:Excel


Creating a data source using QuickBooks

To create a data source using QuickBooks, you need to accomplish the following tasks:
  • Create a custom report.
  • Send a report.
  • Optional: Schedule a report.
Note: This guide assumes that you already have an existing QuickBooks account.

Step 1: Create a custom report in QuickBooks

  1. Navigate and log in to the QuickBooks website.
  2. Select Reports from the QuickBooks sidebar.
  3. Select either the Recommended or the All Reports link.
  4. Select a Report Type. For example, Profit and Loss.
  5. Select the Save Customizations button.
  6. Type a Name for the custom report.
  7. Select the OK button.

Step 2: Send the report to Klipfolio Dashboard

You must send the Excel version of the report to Klipfolio Dashboard to create a stub file.

Download an Excel version of the report

  1. In QuickBooks, click the Excel button to download and save the report to your local hard drive.

Start the data source creation process 

  1. Open Klipfolio Dashboard in a new web browser window and click the Library link.
  2. Select the Data Sources tab.
  3. Click the Create a New Data Source button.
  4. Select the Email Attachment option. Take note of the email address that starts with ds+. You might want to leave this window open so you can receive the emailed report.

Send an email with the Excel attachment

  1. From your mail account, send the Excel version of the report as an attachment to the ds+ email address created earlier in Klipfolio Dashboard.

Receive the Excel attachment

  1. In Klipfolio Dashboard, click the Check Email Now button.
  1. When the report arrives, verify the content, and click the Continue button.
  2. Give the report a name and Save the data source file.

Step 3: Optional: Schedule the report in Quickbooks

  1. Click Reports from the QuickBooks sidebar.
  2. Select the My Custom Reports link.
  3. Click the row with the Report Name so that row is highlighted.
  4. Click the Edit link.
  5. Select Set the email schedule for this group checkbox.
  6. Copy the ds+ email address to the To field and change the plus + to an underscore _ .  For example, ds_
  7. Click the Edit Schedule button.
  8. Select an interval and date range to send the report on a regular basis.
  9. Click the Save button.
    Note: Each time the report is uploaded to Klipfolio Dashboard, the existing report is replaced.

1 comment:

  1. Very fantastic blog !

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