Float brings simple cashflow forecasting and budgeting to the cloud. Float is an online cash management and forecasting tool that helps you manage your business and keep on top of your cash flow. By projecting your future cash in the bank it’s easier to make the right decisions for your business. Float syncs with Xero & FreeAgent.
(Scotland on Sunday Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) ACCOUNTING software outfit Float has kicked off a fundraising drive that could see its headcount almost double, less than a year after launching its flagship product.The company, based at Edinburgh's CodeBase tech incubator, created a cashflow forecasting tool that integrates with Xero, the accounting package aimed at small and medium-sized firms, and last month was named "emerging add- on partner of the year" at Xero's conference in Sydney.Float released its product for Xero in September last year, and the software was relaunched in January following tweaks to meet the needs of larger clients.Chief executive Colin Hewitt said the firm was seeking up to GBP500,000 to ramp up development and marketing in a move that could see it add four more staff to its five-strong team.He added: "We're now speaking to individual angels to get a funding round together and the feedback has been very positive."
Anoop for Float writes on the Xero Conference and says, "First Impressions"
What they say about assumptions. The dust has now settled on Xerocon 2014 in Sydney and having recovered from the jet lag, I thought now would be a good time to reflect on and share my first impressions and experience of an accountancy conference.
Read all about our experience at Xerocon 2014 in Sydney and how Float won the award for Emerging Add-On Partner of the Year
It was a conference unlike any conference I’ve ever been to and in this post, I want to reflect on what it meant to go to Xerocon as an outsider (I am a lawyer turned developer here at Float) and especially on how Xero has turned my (admittedly) stereotypical view of accountancy on its head!
The accountancy conference scene is new to me. Like most people, if you’d asked me to describe what I thought an accountancy conference would be like, i’d have pictured a stuffy, waistcoat-y, curmudgeonly affair. The thought of attending involving mentally preparing for a painful grilling on the finer points of accrual accounting, exhibition stands awash with incomprehensible spreadsheets and the stale smell of antiquity in the air. If you’d asked me a year ago what I’d be doing at an accountancy conference, I’d have quickly replied, ‘looking for the nearest exit…!’
The misconceptions I’ve held for so long about accountancy conferences made a dramatic u-turn last week. I doubt anyone would believe me if I spoke about fairground rides, skateboards, ice-cream and live rock music in the same breath as an accountancy conference...Cue Xero and Xerocon Sydney 2014.
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