Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How accountants are taking up the mobile cloud

John Stokdyk for (UK) writes: The cloud is all around and most people are already using it for online banking, shopping and media storage – and not thinking twice about it.
Having transformed our lives as consumers, business people are adapting many mobile-based tools for work, without even thinking about it. And where clients lead, accountants inevitably follow.

Cloud adoption patterns within accountancy practice

This article will review the pros and cons of mobile working within accountancy, but since the shift is already under way, it will also look at how mobile tools are being used, and by whom, within the profession.
AccountingWEB mobile traffic 2010-14At the recent ICAEW annual practice conference, I presented a talk on how mobile technology was taking hold within the profession. The starting point for this talk was a chart showing the proportion of user traffic coming to AccountingWEB on mobile phones and tablets during the past four years (see right).
The last time we saw a graph like this was around four years ago when our Software Satisfaction survey data showed cloud accounting applications taking off in a similar fashion. [snip].  The article continues @ AccountingWeb UK, click here to continue reading....


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