Xero accounting software? I know many of you are. The interest keeps growing and the inquiries keep coming. I’ve personally spoken with many of you over the last 90 days. These are exciting times and we’re all on the front line. Have you been considering transitioning to the cloud with
My Journey to Xero Accounting Software
My story is that we were a traditional CPA firm for over 20 years. I knew things needed to change. That was especially true around 2008 when the economy and real estate market crashed. We lost a few significant clients through no fault of our own. It seemed to be as good a time as any to look at fresh ideas and new ways of doing things. We had the time and the need. I’d been toying with the idea of expanding the accounting services part of the practice, and I have to tell you, the idea of recurring revenue and being closer to our clients was quite appealing. [snip] The article continues at The Sleeter Group. Click Here To Continue Reading. The author Bruce Phillips is a CPA with Harshman Phillips & Co.
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